Adlerian Psychotherapist
Professional Status: Trainer/Supervisor Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Method: Adlerian Psychotherapy
Romanian Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapist certified by European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP)
Master’s Degree in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, Bucharest
Training/certification in Adlerian Psychotherapy, Bucharest 2001-2006
Graduate the Faculty of Psychology in Petre Andrei University Iasi, 1996- 2000
- Psychotherapist-former as independent practice in the Psychotherapists’ Register of Romania. The certification diploma: No 0270/2006
- Licensed Psychologist in the Unique Register of the Licensed Psychologists of Romania. The personal code 10B0681;
- Psychologist, specialty Adlerian Psychotherapy, stage – Principal, license form – Autonomous, the College of Psychologists of Romania license no.425 from 20.02.2007
- Trainer / supervisor within the Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy.
- An active member of NASAP (the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology), Psychotherapy section;
- Member of APPAR (the Romanian Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy);
- Member of FRP (the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy);
- Member of COPSI (Romanian College of Psychologists);
Training in psychotherapy:
- Training/certification in Adlerian Psychotherapy, a program of the Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy of Bucharest
- The Association for Adlerian Psychology and Psychotherapy of Romania is a founded and accredited member of the Romanian Federation for Psychotherapy and a direct member of the European Association for Psychotherapy. APPAR is also COPSI member.
- A 5 years program (2001 – 2006) with weekly meetings (540 hours of theory, 435 hours of supervising, 250 hours of personal development and 75 hours of training for the position of former)
Vlad Mihai Grigorescu – psychotherapist – Adlerian psychotherapy
Dr. Raluca Mosinoi – psychotherapist – Adlerian psychotherapy - ICASSI (International Committee for Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes) stipend, Ireland, Cork University, 2004 – Brief Therapy, Jim Bitter, SUA and Life Style, Gerhard Baumer, dipl. Psychology and Economics, counselor, registred psychotherapist Germany
- ICASSI Germany, Oberstaufen 2006 – Psychology in the workplace, Eva Dreikurs Ferguson, Illinois; Loss and Grief, Anthea Millar, Cambridge UK, Challenge of Aging, Bill Linden, Illinois University USA; Family Counseling, Frank Walton, Chicago USA
- ICASSI Holland Menorode, 2007 – Sexuality, Zivit Abramson, Israel; Stress and Welness, Roy Kern
- ICASSI Hungary, 2008 – Psychology in the workplace, Eva Dreikurs Ferguson, Illinois; Adler – Dreikurs Approaches to Clinical Practice, Marion Balla, Canada. Totaly at ICASSI: 60 hours
- Master’s degree student at the Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest, in Cognitive Comportamental Psychotherapy, having Prof. Irina Holdevici, Ph. D., as guide;
Participant in training workshops based on Adlerian approach:
- Adlerian approach in the field of education in house and in school, prof. Erika Echle, M.Ed., SGIPA counselor, Switzerland , 3 hours;
- Applications of the approach within the educational system, prof. Erika Echle, M.Ed., SGIPA counselor, Switzerland , 3 hours;
- Adlerian counseling for parents, prevention and intervention for democratic relations in community, instructor : Joyce Callus, M.A., IAIP counselor, Malta , 3 hours;
- Adlerian Psychotherapy for couples, instructor Dan Dalton, Ph.D., C. Psych., USA , 3 hours;
- Ethics matters in psychotherapeutic practice, instructor Dan Dalton, Ph.D., C. Psych., USA, 3 hours ;
- Individual psychology in counseling, psychotherapy and education, instructor Dan Dalton, Ph.D., C. Psych., USA, 3 hours ;
- Family counseling from Adlerian prospect, Dr. Francis X. Walton, Ph.D, 3 hours ;
- Day Dreams, Night Dreams, Life Style Tehemes, Wes Wingett SUA, Bucharest 2009
- Abuse, Agression and Addictions, Wes Wingett SUA, Bucharest 2008
- Adlerian Psychotherapy, Harold H Mosak SUA, Bucharest 2007
- Working with Adolescents, Wes Wingett, SUA, Bucharest 2007
- Child Psychiatry Congress, Bucharest 2007
- National Conference of Psychology, Romania, Cluj 2006
- International Developmental Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Symposiom, Cluj 2006
- Adlerian Psychotherapy, Romania, Sinaia 2006
- Diagnose and Intervention in Autism, trainers from Israel Mifne Institute, Romania Predeal 2005
- Psychosomatic Medicine conference, Cluj 2003
- Conference of Human Respurce Management, Romania, Brasov 2007
Teaching activity:
- Psychotherapy of children, course registred at College of Psychology
- Understanding and Working methods with adolescents, course registred at College of Psychology
- Brief Therapy Course from the prospect of Adlerian psychology; the participants in the Adlerian psychotherapy training courses are psychologists, psychiatrists, residents, students in the 3rd year of studies, social workers. This activity is carried on in Bucharest and in Braila, Brasov, Piatra Neamt. The activity will also be extended in other towns of this country;
- Co-organizer of the workshop of Adlreian psychotherapy in Sinaia, November 10-12, 2006.
- Co-organizer of the workshop of Adlreian psychotherapy in Bucharest, April 16-18, 2007.